– Untuk mencegah semakin banyaknya jumlah tenaga kerja asing (termasuk tenaga kerja Indonesia/TKI) yang melebihi batas izin tinggal (overstayers) di Korea Selatan (Korsel), Pemerintah Korsel menyelenggarakan seleksi Employment Permit System-Test of Proficiency in Korean (EPS-TOPIK) berbasis komputer (Computer Based Test/CBT) khusus bagi TKI yang pernah bekerja di Korsel atau mantan TKI Korsel.
Demikian disampaikan Direktur Pelayanan Penempatan Pemerintah BNP2TKI, Haposan Saragih, di Jakarta, Rabu (07/03). Menurut data EPS KLT (Employment Permit System-Korean Language Test) tahun 2011 lalu, bahwa jumlah imigran ilegal – dari 15 negara – yang ada di negara Ginseng itu telah mencapai 45.105 orang. Sedangkan 4.288 orang di antaranya adalah TKI overstayer – lebih jelasnya bisa dilihat dalam tabel di bawah.
EPS KLT Status Data Imigran di Korsel (akhir Desember 2011)
No. | Nama Negara | Total Imigran | Imigran Legal | Imigran Ilegal |
01. | Vietnam | 62.416 | 51.708 | 10.708 |
02. | Indonesia | 26.338 | 22.050 | 4.288 |
03. | Piliphina | 24.264 | 18.795 | 5.469 |
04. | Thailand | 22.412 | 19.050 | 3.360 |
05. | Srilangka | 19.820 | 18.130 | 1.690 |
06. | Uzbekistan | 13.373 | 11.724 | 1.649 |
07. | China | 12.457 | 4.245 | 8.212 |
08. | Kamboja | 11.825 | 10.976 | 849 |
09. | Monggol | 10.897 | 7.678 | 3.219 |
10. | Nepal | 10.389 | 9.480 | 909 |
11. | Bangladesh | 8.661 | 6.700 | 1.961 |
12. | Pakistan | 4.700 | 3.282 | 1.418 |
13. | China-Korea | 4.618 | 444 | 4.174 |
14. | Myanmar | 4.431 | 3.916 | 515 |
15. | Dan lain-lain | 2.312 | 1.454 | 858 |
Jumlah | 234.295 | 189.190 | 45.105 |
“Untuk mencegah semakin banyaknya jumlah tenaga kerja asing (termasuk TKI) overstayers, Pemerintah Korsel – melalui Human Resources Development Services of Korea (HRD Korea) di Jakarta – menyelenggarakan seleksi EPS TOPIK berbasis komputer khusus bagi mantan TKI Korsel,” kata Haposan. “Pemerintah Indonesia (BNP2TKI, red.) tentu menyambut baik kebijakan Pemerintah Korsel itu,” tambahnya.
Haposan menjelaskan, seleksi EPS TOPIK berbasis komputer khusus bagi mantan TKI ini merupakan yang pertamakalinya. Pemerintah Korea yang menghendaki seleksi itu dilakukan. Tujuannya adalah, untuk mencegah terjadinya TKI overstayers di negaranya, berikut sekaligus menggiatkan berlakunya penempatan TKI secara prosedural. Penempatan TKI ke Korsel dilakukan melalui penandatanganan nota kerjasama (Memorandum of Understanding/MoU) antar kedua pemerintah (Government to Government/G to G) yang ditandatangani pada tanggal 13 Juli 2004 dan telah diperbarui terakhir pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2010.
Haposan menambahkan, didalam pelaksanaan seleksi EPS TOPIK berbasiskan komputer ini, semua soal – dalam bentuk membaca (reading) dan mendengar (listening) — berikut jawaban dari para peserta seleksi dilakukan lewat komputer. “Seleksi berlangsung selama 70 menit dan dilakukan tanpa ada jeda waktu istirahat. Tujuannya untuk menghindari terjadinya saling contek di antara para peserta atau perjokian,” kata Haposan.
300 Pendaftar Perhari
Masa pendaftaran untuk seleksi EPS TOPIK khusus mantan TKI Korsel ini dilakukan selama empat hari, sejak Selasa sampai Kamis (06 – 09 Maret 2012) pada jam kerja dari pukul 09.00 sampai 16.00 WIB. Tempat pendaftaran dilakukan di Gedung Korea-Indonesia Technical and Cultural Cooperation Centre (KITCC) Jalan Pengantin Ali 71 Ciracas, Jakarta Timur.
Haposan mengatakan, pada hari pertama pendaftaran EPS TOPIK khusus mantan TKI Korsel dibuka Selasa (06/03) kemarin, telah terdapat 300 lebih peserta yang mendaftar. Diperkirakan, selama empat hari masa pendafataran jumlah peserta pendaftar akan meningkat. Turut menyaksikan jalannya pendaftaran pada hari pertama kemarin adalah, Director Center Human Resources Development Services of Korea (HRD Korea) di Jakarta, Park Ki Soo, dan dua orang dari Tim EPS TOPIK CBT dari Korsel, Lee Jae Won dan Kim Hyung Jung.
Dijelaskan Haposan, ada empat sektor pekerjaan yang dibuka, yaitu : sektor manufakturing, pertanian dan peternakan, konstruksi, dan perikanan. “Perlu diketahui, dalam seleksi EPS TOPIK berbasis komputer ini, BNP2TKI hanya sebatas memfasilitasi pelaksanaan tes. Sedangkan yang menentukan kelulusan, berikut jumlah TKI yang dibutuhkan nantinya adalah HRD Korea,” kata Haposan.
Mantan TKI Korsel yang diperbolehkan mengikuti seleksi EPS TOPIK berbasis komputer tahun 2012 adalah, mereka yang telah bekerja di Korsel dan kembali ke Indonesia dengan sukarela sebelum masa kontrak kerjanya selesai (yakni periode kembali ke Indonesia terhitung sejak 1 Januari 2010 sampai sekarang). Berikut, tidak memiliki cacatan pernah dideportasi dari Korsel. Tidak sedang dicekal bepergian ke luar negeri oleh Pemenrintah Indonesia. Tidak sedang atau pernah menjalani hukuman tindak pidana berat akibat kriminal. Berusia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 39 tahun (kelahiran antara 7 Maret 1972 dan 6 Maret 1994).
Persyaratan dokumen yang perlu dimiliki bagi pendaftar adalah, foto copy Paspor saat kembali dari Korea yang telah diberi tanda sebagai bukti bahwa TKI bersangkutan kembali pulang dari Korea dengan sukarela. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang dibagikan gratis di tempat pendaftaran. Memiliki bukti setor pembayaran uang ujian (tidak lewat ATM) sebesar 24 USD atau Rp 219.744 dari Bank BRI. Melampirkan 2 lembar pas photo ukuran 3.5 x 4.5 cm (fotyo diambil dalam waktu 6 bulan terakhir).
“Bila peserta mengundurkan diri pada waktu proses pendaftaran dan telah membayar uang ujian, akan mendapatkan pengembalian penuh uang pendaftaran yang telah dibayarkan. Akan tetapi, apabila ingin mendaftar kembali setelah mengundurkan diri tidak akan diperbolehkan,” kata Haposan.
Ditambahkan Haposan, tes EPS TOPIK dilakukan di Gedung KITCC selama lima hari, 26 – 30 Maret 2012. Tes dilakukan dua sesi (pagi pukul 09.00 sampai 11.10 WIB dan siang pukul 12.30 sampai 14.40 WIB) setiap harinya dengan dibatasi peserta sebanyak 30 orang (menyesuaikan jumlah komputer yang ada). “Sehingga selama lima hari tes berlangsung (yakni pagi 30 peserta dan siang 30 peserta), maka diperkirakan akan diikuti sebanyak 300 orang,” katanya. Untuk pengumuman hasil kelulusan, lanjut Haposan, akan dilakukan pada tanggal 10 April 2012.
***(Imam Bukhori).
Di bawah ini adalah Pengumuman Asli HRD Korea Tentang EPS TOPIK Khusus Untuk Mantan TKI Korea ;
Announcement of Special EPS-TOPIK
According to the MOU on the Sending of Workers between the Ministry of Employment and Labor of the Republic of Korea (MOEL) and the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Special EPS-TOPIK for those who voluntarily returned home before their term of employment ended and want to come back for work in Korea will be conducted as follows.
All job seekers who want to work in Korea under the Employment Permit System should pass the EPS-TOPIK, implemented by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRD Korea) authorized by the MOEL, and only those who passed the test are allowed to submit the job application form for EPS
1. Test Schedule
Registration Period
Announcement of test date |
Test Period |
Announcement of test result |
Age Requirements |
Mar 6~9 |
Mar 21 |
Mar 26~30 |
Apr 10 |
Mar 7, 1972 ~ Mar 6, 1994 |
* The schedule can be changed according to EPS circumstances
- Morning session (30persons)
– Orientation: 09:00~10:00, – Test time: 10:00~11:10
- Afternoon session (30persons)
– Orientation: 12:30~13:30, – Test time: 13:30~14:40
* All examinees must be in the test room before the orientation time.
2. (Allowed) Type of Industry: Manufacturing, Agriculture/Livestock,
Construction, Fishing
* If an applicant wants to be applied for a designated recommendation to his/her last workplace (employer) where he/she had worked more than a year should select the same industry of the workplace. For this reason, applicants should be select the industry carefully considering the mentioned condition.
3. The (expected) number of passers : To be announced
- The number of passer will be announced later separately in the order of the high scores among the applicants who scored more than 80 points out of 200 for each industry
4. Test Place and date Announcement
? Test Place : CBT(Computer Based Test) Examination Room
- Announcement Method
– website of EPS-TOPIK(http;//www.epstopik.hrdkorea.or.kr)
– the notice board of NBPPIOW
5. Qualifications(Eligibility)
- Reemployed workers who voluntarily leave before their term of
employment ended Korea(Time of returning: Not before January 1st, 2010)
- Persons aged between 18 and 39
* Persons born between Mar 7, 1972 and Mar 6, 1994
- Persons who have not been convicted of imprisonment or heavier punishment
- Persons who have no record of deportation or departure orders from theRepublicofKorea
- Persons who are not restricted from departure of home country
6. Registration Procedure
- Period: Mar 6~9, 2012 (For 4 days)
- Place: NBPPIOW
- Method: Individual-Visit-Registration
- Required documents
– Copy of passport on their returning home (for proving he/she is a voluntary returnee)
– Application form (Free distribution at the registration place, only to the applicants
who paid the test fee)
- Registration numbers are written on each application form, and one applicant can receive
and submit one application form. If there is any error in an application form, correct it with correction fluid or tape and submit it.
– A copy of passport (or ID card)
- A copy of passport (or ID card) is required to be attached on the application form
- It is preferable to attach a copy of passport (or ID card) written in English (especially name)
– 2 photographs of 3.5 x 4.5cm (taken within 6 months)
- Test fee: 24 USD
- If an applicant who has avoidable reasons cancel his/her registration during registration period, the applicant can get full refund. (However, re-application after cancellation is not allowed)
- Registration will be made in the order of receipt, and if the applicants overly applied an additional test date will be decided and the test will be conducted accordingly. Its date also will be announced on the announcement date of the designated test venue & date for each applicant.
7. Test Summary
Question Structure | Number of questions | Total score | Time given |
R/C | 25 | 100 | 40 mins. |
L/C | 25 | 100 | 30 mins. |
TOTAL | 50 | 200 | 70 mins |
Questions will be selected both from the open question book and from the newly
developed closed questions.
Test Structure & Allotment of Scores and passing standard
– Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
– R/C and L/C will be implemented continuously without a break.
Items to prepare on the test day
– Admission Ticket
– Passport (or ID card)
All applicants are required to bring his/her passport (ID card) of which is the same with the one posted on his/her application form
No applicant is allowed to take the test without passport(or ID card)
8. Announcement of Test Result
Announcement Date : Apr 10, 2012
Announcement Method
– Notice board of the NBPPIOW
– Website of the Employment Permit System(http://www.eps.go.kr)
– Website of the EPS-TOPIK (http://epstopik.hrdkorea.or.kr)
? Validity period of test result is 2 years(effect on the date of result)
9. Other Information
If an applicant is confirmed as a non-voluntary returnee, his/her test result will be
considered invalid even he/she passes the test and the applicant should take full
responsibility on that.
Those who pass the test will benefit from a shortened reentering procedures including
faster job registration and placement, and exemption from pre-departure training.
On the test day, mobile phones, cassette players, PDA, MP3 player, electronic
dictionaries, and other electronic devices which are possibly used in cheating during
the test are highly prohibited.
Test will be void, and examinees will NOT be eligible for taking the test for 2 years in
case of cheating during the test.
If an applicant’s personal information on the passport is not exactly the same as the
one on the application form (name, date of birth, and gender), their registration to the
EPS job seekers’roster and entry toKoreais not permitted in any case, and the
applicant is fully responsible for any problem caused by the differences in their
personal information.
Passing the special EPS-TOPIK only guarantees the qualification for job application for EPS, and does not guarantee the employment inKorea.? Moreover, persons who are restricted from the employment inKorea, such as those who do not pass the medical examination or who have the record of illegal stay inKorea, cannot be employed inKorea. |
According to MOU on between Ministry of Employment and Labor of theRepublicofKoreaand the the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of theRepublicofIndonesia, only NBPPIOW has the legal authority to send Indonesian workers to theRepublicofKorea. Only the job seekers who passed the EPS-TOPIK and registered on the roster by NBPPIOW can be hired by Korean Employers. If any other private sectors are involved in procedure for sending workforce, there will be the legal punishment for those acts.? It costs 24 USD(or same amount in local currency) for an applicant to take Special EPS-TOPIK and only the certain amount of money noticed officially as a sending cost by NBPPIOW during the registration period of a job application form will cost you for enteringKoreaunder the EPS. Besides, except NBPPIOW, any other agency or person is not allowed to be related to employment procedures of EPS. For this reason, all applicants should be aware of this fact and protect themselves from any damages or losses caused by anyone or any other agencies’ absurd (deceiving) proposal related to recommendation or employment inKoreaunder the EPS. |
Held by: Ministry of Employment and Labor of theRepublic ofKorea
Implemented by: Human Resources Development service ofKorea
Cooperated by: National Board for the Placement and Protection ofIndonesia Overseas Workers
hello Greetings, I am still very new in this, and I found this very nice article, thanks a lot
gak usah pusing pusing belajar, yang penting punya duit 40Jt bisa berangkat kok mas.
emhh gitu ya…klo memang begitu kasih tau dong temen2 lain caranya biar yg ga mau belajar terus punya uang sebanyak itu bisa pada berangkat…soalnya seperti 300 temen kita (peristiwa kiara condong Bandung) tahun 2007 tertipu oleh oknum. padahal dah ngeluarin uang sebanyak itu..